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Subscription 2024 (PDF)


Subscribe to TDHJ Special Editions 2024 and receive two current issues on top!

This particular offer covers our Special Editions 01/24 – 04/24, plus any two of the existing TDHJ Special Editions (PDF):

  • The New School of Multilateralism;
  • Climate Change and Security;
  • Afrika zwischen Aufbruch und Fragilität;
  • International Criminal Court – What Next?.


Additionally, we provide you with 2 extra PDF issues of your free choice!

TDHJ Special Edition provides our readers with peer-reviewed research papers on security and defence-related topics. The research papers are made possible by our Peer Board experts-academics and practitioners alike-who volunteer their time to read and evaluate viable manuscripts in a double-blind peer-review process. We touch upon several topic clusters, such as Future Challenges, Political Theory and War&Peace.


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